Thursday 22 April 2010

Beginning of last month me and my classmates went to London for a few days. We had a chance to visit a design agency called Dew Gibbons where we met Dave. Dave gave us a presentation on what sort of design work they do and how he got a job there. At the end of the talk we had a chance to ask Dave some questions but unfortunately I couldn't think of any questions to ask at the time so I thought I would e-mail him the questions that I am e-mailing other design agencies about what influences as designers. I e-mailed Dave thanking him for the talk and visit to their studio. Dave finally got back to me regrading my questions about influences.
I got another e-mail back regarding influences as a graphic designer. Steve from Peek Creative gave very helpful answers.

Keith Morrell from Gouka Design got back to me about questions regrading influences.

I got another positive and helpful answers back from Nik J Gill from Remix Creative regarding my questions based on influences.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Another Swiss graphic design named Josef Müller-Brockmann. I really like his work, the Beetoven poster which feels like it is moving. Link!

Here are some posters by Swiss designer Armin Hofmann. I really like the space used in these poster to show the message.

Some Swiss museum posters I found on someones blog. I like the hypnotic lines. Link!